My Rescued Husky Puppies Learn to Walk for the First Time!

My Rescued Husky Puppies Learn to Walk for the First Time!
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My rescued husky puppies learn to walk for the first time!

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Ahh good day everyone! My name is Joey Graceffa and welcome to my official daily vlog YouTube channel where I like to film my daily life with my puppies. You can find videos on my life with puppies, puppy first times, cute puppy moments, and SO much more! Join the family and make sure you are subscribed! I love you, until next time, good damn bye!


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  1. My dog keasel gets in the trash a lot I tell him no
    and sometimes my dog Mia figures out how to get in the trash too she gets in the trash when no one feeds her and she gets some food
    from the trash

  2. I want to be kind as possible but i just saw the blog from Mr. Preda showing these poor puppies and the horrible condition you left them in. Miss May had taken 6 of the puppies outside and put them in dirt dug holes. She has diarrhea everywhere and you dont seem concerned. In your vlogs you never mention you are out of town but give the illusion that you are there caring for these helpless creatures. Are you doing a wonderful act by taking in these poor pregnant animals , absolutely , but Joey you must take full responsibility . If you must go out of town hire a responsible adult to stay in your home to look after your animals, not some old woman who is petrified. I am so disappointed I truly thought you cared for these babies, now to find out it is just a means for you to get attention. I am unsubscribing and anyone one of you readers should do the same.

  3. “Excuse me?!” I really thought this was the intro to a RuPaul music video at first. 😆 I was only a little disappointed, but then puppies! Worth it.

  4. Hi Joey I have had a fear of huskies ever since I was 5 when my dog was attacked by one . But by watching wolfie and you raising the puppy's I have learnt to not be scared of them anymore so Thank-you so much 💜🐶❤

  5. Ok so I have 2 dogs as well and one of them I used to treat like an absolute angel just the way you’re talking to yours lol. Well one day I set up a camera to see how my other dog was doing all the naughty and crap and my gosh my sweet angel was not so sweet or perfect 😂😂 would recommend setting up a camera and seeing if that’s the same case 😂 obviously both of my dogs are angels and I would never love one more than the other but I was SHOCKED when I saw the footage.

  6. You need child locks on your cabinets lol my mom has them to keep the dogs and cats out of the garbage. The cats are the worse offenders.

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