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About the Author: KMVT


  1. None of this means ANYTHING … UNLESS a person accepts and embraces the person and work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The birth, death, and resurrection of He who IS the ‘Light of the World’. Be aware of what is really being said and do not be deceived. Know the Scriptures and test what anyone says against the Word of God.

  2. This is one nde I don't believe. She more than likely hijacked other people's ndes to form her own so she could use it as a career to make alot of money. Think about it. She's a spiritual counselor and probably has her own Clinic to scam the Believers. And think of all the money she makes off of her books. All she has to do is use a combination of other people's ndes and be convincing. Anyone who sells books and makes a career out of their nde is more than likely a scam.

  3. I find it odd, this bytch never spares an opportunity to try and spread fear and hatred of Muslims.
    She is proof that though NDE's are transformative, they can't correct the hardworking of your brain. In this case, her's is very limited.

  4. Thank you God for this precious woman and the others like her. Those precious souls that left the All mighty to come backxto speak to us about their experience.

  5. The love we feel on the other side is one, we can feel here in this body as well when we learn that it is in us and that we are it. The love I felt from my guide when it appeared to me was unlike anything I ever felt, and I never wanted to feel any different. Now I know that I felt it as such because I didn’t love myself, I was at a low point in my life when I was loathing myself because of everything that was and has happened in my life. At the time I didn’t know that I have chosen these things to happen in my life that would become obstacles for me to overcome to learn myself, to learn that I have that love within me, that I am that love. There is a veil of false separation from that love and it is a part of our learning and growth, and why we come here to this plane, to overcome obstacles we set for ourselves and by doing so we learn that there is no separation, never was and never will be. We are it and it is us. We come to this world that is designed as such where we are taught that we are separate, but we are not. If only people knew how easy it is to feel that same love just by learning to love themselves for what they are and unlearning everything that society is enforcing on them. This is why we come here, to learn ourselves, our true nature.

  6. I bought an atheist a Christmas card and he says I don't believe in God.
    I said well open it anyway.
    He opens it and says but it all blank?
    I said what did you expect to see god? 👀
    Hope you're doing well Barbara.

  7. That's because your in a state of complete absolute suggestion just like a dream where you don't question anything so part of you is absent the livings ability to discern logic and critical thinking.
    Just like a dream you can't off hand recall anything this is probably to keep the dammed from calling opon God.

    You remember things like family but in death they are not as important the attachment is far less.

  8. Love what you said god is just a loving energy god is not Christian or Muslim or jewish and the only way to feel god on earth is to detach from anything physical and materialism

  9. Atheist going to heaven and meeting God? That's an energy? Not in the same image we were made? HUH!? WHAT!?

    "It loved me the way i am" hmmm… sounds very nu-age to me. Sorry but this is bogus.

  10. Today while I was at work I was thinking about acceptance and love of the brethren. I hear preachers say that nothing but perfect love will enter that heavenly place. I don't see that kind of love and acceptance because all the men in the church are holding as it were a measuring stick and the attitude of are you measuring up?. Liberty in the Holy Spirit is immediately lost because now all the men are conscious of the judgement being exacted on each other by each other. I heard another preacher say that it you continue to waffle in sin when you know better then you're a goat. All that is true but it's not being as a child like Jesus said for us to be. Imagine a church full of people who accepted each other and had freedom to worship and if someone came to the front for prayer it wasn't because they must be needing to repent. When are we going to realise as a corporate body that it's in Jesus that we've been cut off as Colossians 2:11 says

  11. Nice lady and this filled me with joy and hope …my dad died at the beginning of lockdown and I worried about him and where he was, he suffered a lot in life emotionally and I know he's somewhere peaceful now

  12. The teaching of “spirituality” not only separates us from each other, but tragically, it separates us from ourselves, because theologians taught and teach that the best part of our spirits are not with us, but rather, belong to the creator of the universe, and that we will be either judged as being worthy of salvation, or will have to suffer for eternity, depending on how the creator “feels” about out systems of belief, and our performances. From my perspective, we have two choices. We can either believe that the universe was created by an entity that designed extreme suffering and extreme judgment as part of its plan … or, we can believe (as did Stephen Hawking, before he died) that the universe always existed, and will always exist … no creator or creation involved. I don't know about you, but I relate to the following quote … “We are all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.” Anil Seth … neuroscientist.

  13. Kundalini – The holy spirit of satan usually invited in through Kundalini yoga creating a false sense of love and tranquility. The true Holy Spirit only comes after our salvation through the blood of Christ. John 14:16 Christ not mentioned once in this interview. Only God and holy spirit. Dead give away and first suspicion something is wrong. When kunduni was mentioned I new my sense was correct. As the song goes… Blinded by the light…

  14. What Happen when a Person Die?

    In order to get the correct answer, let us consult the infallible word of God. And the safest way to start is to ask the question:

    Q. 1) How did God create or form man?
    A. Genesis 2:7; And God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

    Note: In forming man, God used two substances namely:
    1. Dust of the ground
    2. Breath of life

    Note: Now that we how God formed man, we can safely answer the above question by reversing the process in which God formed man.
    To illustrate:

    At Creation: Dust of the ground plus breath of life = man or a living soul
    At Death: Living Soul minus breath = Dust

    Q. 2) What happen to these two substances when a person die?
    A. 1.) Ecclesiastes 12:7; Then the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit (or breath of life according to Genesis 2:7 above) return to God who gave it.
    A. 2) Job 27:3; All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils.
    A. 3) Genesis 3:17; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread, till thou return to the ground, for out of it was thou taken, for dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return.

    Note: The three texts above clearly explained what happen to the two substances that God used in forming man and at the same time clearly answer
    the question. What happen when a person dies?

    Note: The belief that when a person dies, there is a soul (immortal) that leave the body, and depending on how the person lived when alive, will determine where the soul will spend eternity, either in hell, to be punished and tortured for all eternity, in purgatory, with the hope of being brought to heaven or direct to heaven as the case maybe. This belief is contradictory to Ezekiel 18:20; The soul that sinneth, it shall die.
    The truth in regards to this belief, is that it is based on the Greek Philosophy called “Dualism” (pls research dualism in the internet) which teaches that the body and the mind are two separate entity, In that the body is physical while the mind is spiritual and immortal. Here lies this very dangerous belief. Why? Because if the soul is immortal, of course it is not subject to death. This is why, when a sinner die, based on this belief, his soul will go to hell to be tortured and burned forever and ever without end.
    To dispel this erroneous belief, simple questions need to be asked.
    1. Would our gracious, loving, merciful and longsuffering God, allow eternal torture and eternal life to co-exist? Of course not.
    2. What kind of sin does anyone do, to deserve this kind of endless torture?
    It does’nt make sense at all. According to Galatians 6:7; Whatsoever a man soweth, that he also reap.
    The truth is, God did not create anything or anyone immortal. For had he done this, then sin would be immortalized. The Bible said, that God alone is immortal. 1 Timothy 6:15,16. The reason is obvious, God knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:9,10. Thus, he knew that Adam and Eve would commit sin, Genesis 3:6. and Romans 5:12; For by one man sin enter the world, and death by sin, in the death passed to all men, for all have sinned.

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