I put wii music over near death/near misses videos (TRIGGER WARNING)

I put wii music over near death/near misses videos (TRIGGER WARNING)
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I put wii music over near death experiences lol. Thanks for watching, dont forget to subscribe and like

Tags :
memes, near death videos, spongebob music, wii music, i put music over, i put spongebob music over near death videos


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About the Author: DaTornadoz


  1. To see how many people are this dumb is not surprising me considering the fact that Insurance Fraud people are dumber, or maybe they're suicidal I don't care.

  2. God:I want to take ur life using car accident
    One day later
    *me buying a snacks in the store walking in the road
    Theres a car speeding up and did not hurt me
    Me:Nope im taking my life Lol thx God
    Sorry for the bad english hehe

  3. 1:22 "Oh boy that was close, nearly got my head torn off by an F1 car, better fix my mirror though, I don't want to not see anyone catching up to me."

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