Applying Science to Understand the Vulnerability of Modern Society to Natural Disasters

(Visit: Although many recent advances, such as building codes and construction techniques, have reduced some aspects of risk to natural disasters, other features of modern society— including population density and the... Read more »

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

(1:06 – Start of Presentation) Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. source Read more »

Climate Change: The Special Risks to Children, Pregnant Women, and Older Adults

00:15 – Tracey Woodruff – Climate, Pollution, and Prenatal and Child Health, 09:53 – Pooja Singal – Children’s Unique Vulnerability to Climate Change, 26:23 … source Read more »
Sudden Cardiac Death

Sudden Cardiac Death

Visit: Sudden cardiac death is not the same thing as a heart attack. Heart attacks usually cause chest pain and only sometimes cause sudden … source Read more »