SOLAR FLASH PROPHECY: The Most Crucial Action You Must Take - Near Death Experience (NDE)  - Near-

SOLAR FLASH PROPHECY: The Most Crucial Action You Must Take – Near Death Experience (NDE) – Near-

SOLAR FLASH PROPHECY: The Most Crucial Action You Must Take – Near Death Experience (NDE) – Near- SOLAR FLASH PROPHECY: The Most Crucial Action You Must Take – Near Death Experience (NDE)... Read more »
SOLAR FLASH PROPHECY; Most Important Thing You Can Do - Near Death Experience (NDE)

SOLAR FLASH PROPHECY; Most Important Thing You Can Do – Near Death Experience (NDE)

Claudia Watts Edge had a profound NDE in 1984, and has researched NDEs for over 40 years. She has authored three award winning books about the spiritual phenomena and her dream experiences... Read more »
Humanity Has Reached The End Of This Earth School - Near Death Experience (NDE)

Humanity Has Reached The End Of This Earth School – Near Death Experience (NDE)

Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual teacher and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant.... Read more »
Nothing Has Ever Felt So Good - Near Death Experience (NDE)

Nothing Has Ever Felt So Good – Near Death Experience (NDE)

Click Here To Join And Support This Channel on YouTube: My name is Amber and I am a typical mom with a unique gift. I am a medium. For those of... Read more »
We Have PROVEN The Afterlife 🔬- Near Death Experiences (NDE)

We Have PROVEN The Afterlife 🔬- Near Death Experiences (NDE)

New York Times bestselling author Paul Perry is a knight in Portugal’s Order of Saint Michael of the Wing, the oldest order of knighthood on the Iberian Peninsula. He started his own... Read more »