Tag: gatitos abandonados

She hugged her children and begged for help, No one cares about homeless cat family #rescuekittens I love animals very much, but some people are not economically viable, so animals in my... Read more »

The mother cat was teased by children and had her child stolen #rescuekittens #rescue #abandoned I love animals very much, but some people are not economically viable, so animals in my area... Read more »

Born as an orphan, thirsty for milk, abandoned in front of my house, screaming for help! I love animals very much, but some people are not economically viable, so animals in my... Read more »

40℃, Abandoned kitten in the material yard, Very hungry and thirsty, crying desperately for help! I love animals very much, but some people are not economically viable, so animals in my area... Read more »