Watch the heartwarming moment this dog realizes he's  being adopted

Watch the heartwarming moment this dog realizes he's being adopted

Watch the heartwarming moment this dog realizes he’s being adopted Tell us your stories. WE WILL LOVE IT. CLICK HERE ————————————————– This story we collected from people all around the world.... Read more »
Abandoned in a Starbucks parking lot, this little dog was begging for food.

Abandoned in a Starbucks parking lot, this little dog was begging for food.

Luckily for little Bean, one of the employees knew our rescue videos (and she called me in the past about a dog) and knew to call Hope For Paws. With your support... Read more »
Rescue of a Scared Homeless Dog with a Broken Heart

Rescue of a Scared Homeless Dog with a Broken Heart

Rescue of scared homeless dog, heartbroken and sad, living on the cold streets. This sweet old dog was found roaming near a railroad station. It was too risky to attempt a rescue... Read more »
WHY???  Why would anyone throw a kitten on the freeway??? Please share.

WHY??? Why would anyone throw a kitten on the freeway??? Please share.

This is just unbelievable! Loreta and I just completed the rescue of Josephine and her babies, and as we were getting closer to Los Angeles, we received a text about a kitten... Read more »