A man helped a dying cat and her kittens. You won't believe what happened next!

A man helped a dying cat and her kittens. You won’t believe what happened next!

A man helped a dying cat. You won’t believe what happened next! ___________________________________________ Hello Friends My channel is about stray cats I live in Punjab, thousands of stray cats and kittens live... Read more »
Homeless kittens calling mother meowing but ? Kittens rescue

Homeless kittens calling mother meowing but ? Kittens rescue

Today while doing street feeding we found a dead cat and there were sounds of the kittens shouting near the cat. While searching for the kittens there, we found four kittens which... Read more »
Try to save life of poor abandoned kittens | Adopted and nursed by Foster Cat Zoe

Try to save life of poor abandoned kittens | Adopted and nursed by Foster Cat Zoe

When we were doing street feeding, a child came and told us that he had heard the sound of kittens at some distance. When we went there and searched for the kittens,... Read more »