Chemical Changes: Crash Course Kids #19.2

We’ve talked about mixtures and solutions, solutes and solvents, but what about things that can’t be undone? What about chemical changes? Would it surprise you to know that baking a cake is... Read more »

Following the Sun: Crash Course Kids #8.2

Have you ever wondered why your shadow is longer sometimes and shorter others? It turns out it all has to do with that marvelous big ball of light in the sky; The... Read more »

Water Water Everywhere: Crash Course Kids #14.2

So you know about freshwater and saltwater now and you know that there’s not that much Freshwater for us (and other life) to get to. So how do different animals deal with... Read more »

Danger! Falling Objects: Crash Course Kids #32.1

So, what would happen if you dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time, from the same height? Well, the hammer would hit the ground first, right? But why? You... Read more »

A Change of Scenery: Crash Course Kids #17.2

The world changes. It really does! But sometimes it changes so slowly that we don’t notice it. Other times it changes REALLY FAST!!! In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks... Read more »

Home Sweet Habitat: Crash Course Kids #21.1

How would a polar bear do if you put it in the desert? Not well. But why? Why can’t anything live anywhere? Well, this has to do with habitats and how animals... Read more »

Part(icles) of Your World: Crash Course Kids #3.2

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You look like a Million Bucks?” Well, you do… but you also look like a million particles. In this episode, Sabrina talks to us about matter... Read more »

Vegetation Transformation: Crash Course Kids #5.2

Have you ever seen a magic trick where one thing changes to another thing? Well, that’s nothing compared to what plants can do through a process called photosynthesis. In this episode, Sabrina... Read more »

The Basics of Freshwater: Crash Course Kids 14.1

We have a lot of water on Earth, but we also can’t actually drink much of it… or use it for farming. That’s because most of the water on Earth is saltwater.... Read more »

Earth's Rotation & Revolution: Crash Course Kids 8.1

So, have you ever wondered why we have seasons? Or maybe where the sun goes when it’s night time? *Hint: It doesn’t actually go anywhere* In this episode of Crash Course Kids,... Read more »